Thursday, August 06, 2009


Last week I spent several hours going around the house with my trusty homemade window cleaner; a bottle of rubbing alcohol with a sprayer on top. I cleaned all my windows and mirrors. Everything looked crystal clear. I even scaled the ladder and wiped the chandelier in front of the main entrance sparkling clean. When I got to the back sliding glass door, I hesitated. There unmistakably about two and a half feet from the floor were hundreds of little finger prints and hand prints made by my little granddaughter. Instantly I was transported to her past visit. I could see her standing at the door, looking out with bright inquisitive eyes, hands flared full width on either side of her face, with her nose pressed tightly against the warm glass. I smiled as the warm memories poured into my mind. If I didn’t have the hope of her coming again in a few days, I would be tempted to frame the prints rather than clean them. I thought of the fingerprints in my life.

There are memories of those who have left their residue of influence on me. With each one, I find myself thanking God for the small change it made. I am a better person since our paths have crossed. It was my choice to allow them to make a difference in my life. It is a blessing when we allow mentors and friends leave fingerprints on our lives. For each good person that comes into your life, let the fingerprints linger for a while. It not only makes for good memories, but it makes us better people.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Turn Around Slowly

I heard a song this week by David Kauffman. It was entitled, "Turn Around Slowly." I listened and cried because the chorus parroted my life right now. We (my husband and I) are in transition time. After 15 years in the beautiful state of California, we are moving.

Every day I'm experiencing things "for the last time." Just a month ago, I experienced my last Western District Ladies Conference as Secretary. This is my last semester at Christian Life College as an instructor and staff member. I am doing "last time" tasks for both jobs, Western District and Christian Life College. My last Landmark, my last TTCM Music conference, my last sectional conference, my last box to pack, my last quiz to give my students, my last order for Regalia for my last graduation ceremony. The list goes on. Every day brings a new, last.

Today it hit me again I perused through my e-mails. My wonderful friends on the Ladies Board have been including me in their fun, friendly banter with each other via e-mail. I've so enjoyed being the "mouse in the pocket" and watching the comments go back and forth, teasing, and having fun with each other. I want it to last. I'm the reluctant character moving off stage.

Oh, I'm very excited about moving close to my family, don't get me wrong. It will be wonderful to be near my beautiful daughter and granddaughter. And I will have my son close to me. How I miss his hugs. My parents will be close and my son-in-law is that second son I never had. I love them all so much. Yes, it will all be wonderful, but before I enjoy that, I have to work through some separation issues here. So I have chosen to turn around slowly.

I am trying to slow down the process in my mind because I'm leaving so many wonderful friends and experiences behind. So, my dear friends and family that read this, please be patient with me. I'm just trying to "Turn Around Slowly."

Turn around slowly.
Time is a racer.
The wink of an eye takes you from here to there.
Turn around slowly, and treasure your days here.
These precious moments may come to be rare.
Artist: David Kauffman
Album: Simple Truth

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Apology from a Hero

I had admired her from the time I was a little girl. She could sing and play the piano and her life was somewhat a perfect persona to me. As I grew older, the comments of those around me were always positive. I didn’t know anyone who didn’t like her. She must have been perfect because there were no left over residue of flaws in the memories of others.

A situation came up and I was involved in a district function. In the process she must have done something that she felt would hurt me or …but after a particularly wonderful service at Ladies Conference, she came up to me and told me she had something to say. She apologized for her actions and asked me to forgive her. As far as I was concerned, there was no apology needed, but she insisted. She felt she had shown the wrong spirit and wanted to clear the air along with her heart. I quickly agreed to disperse forgiveness. As time passed, I realized that this humble rendezvous had not minimized the spirit of this woman in my heart, but it expanded my belief that she truly was a woman of God and had the heart of His kingdom in her best interests. What a privilege to be the recipient of an apology from one of my heroes. And you know what? She is taller, wiser, and more holy in my eyes today than before.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

News News

Has it been four months since I posted? I'm ashamed! I have no excuses. I've been delinquent and that's that. move forward...I do have news. My husband and I will be finishing out the academic year at Christian Life College and then we will begin our move to Gilbert, Arizona. We are taking the church my father has pastored for the past eight years.

It has been a bittersweet decision. Of course, we had to leave our precious church in Pleasanton. That congregation is now pastored by Stuart Young. They have partnered congregations for now, keeping the Pentecostals of Pleasanton alive technically, for how long, I do not know. But I do know that merging the churches has made a strong, larger, church in the tri-valley area. A church that has more power to reach the lost and hurting in that area. Isn't that what it's all about? Reaching the lost?

I'm experiencing many "lasts". This is my last semester to teach at Christian Life College. We had our last service in Pleasanton. This is my last Ladies Conference, my last ladies board meeting as Secretary. Bittersweet. Bitter to leave this place I've called home for the past 15 years and sweet because I will be close to my family. My parents, my brother and his family, my son, my daughter and her husband, and last but not least, my precious granddaughter. That is sweet!