Saturday, January 26, 2008

Airport Jubilee!

We just couldn't resist getting that little grandbaby in our arms at the airport. What a joy!

Annual Conference

I've had some very special guests at my house this week. Christian Life College sponsors an annual Landmark conference each year at this time. Preachers from all over our country come to this great conference. Some of them are renowned and to Pentecostals are somewhat of a household word. Famous men like Lee Stoneking, Wayne Huntley, Kenneth Haney, Gordon Mallory, and many more. To me, there are none greated than the visitors I was honored to host in my home.

On Friday before the conference started I rushed to the airport to meet two very important people. My daughter and granddaughter. Of course, you know I threw out the red carpet, rented a lemo (which in truth is a white Taurus...I'm still dreaming for a Lincoln) and whisked them off to the Baughman castle near Honey Bear Lane.

Three days later the Elder and Mrs. A.J. Baughman joined us in our celebration. It was the first time the paternal great grandparents were introduced to this beautiful little girl. She did not disappoint us. With arms waving through the air and a big smile that covered her face from cheek to cheek, she made the great grandparents feel like a million bucks in the first few moments of introductions. Their hearts were captive as our already were the moment they laid eyes on her.

We had three full wonderful days to share with this little angel and her equally loved mommy. There is nothing like a great conference to bring your families together.